Editrice ZEUS nasce nel 1981. Inizia la propria attività editoriale rivolta ai settori del food&beverage, pubblicando RASSEGNA ALIMENTARE, bimestrale tecnico in italiano, che si colloca sul mercato grazie all’estrema innovazione che caratterizza tanto la linea editoriale quanto i contenuti.
Pochi anni dopo, precorrendo i tempi, edita FOOD PROCESSING, nel 1988, in inglese abbinato a tedesco o francese o spagnolo e ITALIAN FOOD MACHINES, nel 1989, in russo e cinese.
FOOD PROCESSING e ITALIAN FOOD MACHINES sono le prime testate italiane, per ciò che riguarda il mondo delle tecnologie per l’industria alimentare e delle bevande, ad essere pubblicate in queste lingue e ad essere distribuite in paesi come Russia e Cina.
Grazie a un’intensa presenza a tutte le fiere del settore a livello nazionale e fuori dal paese ed alla distribuzione delle proprie testate in Italia e all’estero, ZEUS si afferma in Italia e progressivamente anche a livello internazionale.
Anticipando ancora una volta i tempi, ma al passo con le esigenze internazionali del mercato, nel 2001 ZEUS mette on-line www.itfoodonline.com, il primo portale del settore, che viene pubblicato inizialmente in quattro lingue, poi in sei e attualmente in dieci.
itfoodonline.com è il portale verticale destinato agli operatori del settore.
Grazie alla ricchezza di dati in esso inseriti e al costante aggiornamento, www.itfoodonline.com raggiunge in brevissimo tempo le prime pagine dei più importanti motori di ricerca (Google, Altavista, etc), mantenendo costantemente questa posizione nel corso degli anni e aumentando progressivamente il numero dei visitatori dall’Italia e dal resto del mondo.
Oggi dopo oltre 30 anni di attività, ZEUS ricopre una posizione di spicco nel proprio settore, avvalendosi di riviste in italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, russo e cinese di un portale in dieci lingue e fornendo un servizio di comunicazione completo e articolato ai propri inserzionisti

 Editrice Zeus: magazine publishing house, focusing on technologies, machinery and equipment for food&beverage and packaging industries, since 1981. Rassegna Alimentare was the first technical magazine published by Editrice Zeus; bimonthly, it achieves in a short time a great relevance thanks to its revolutionary features and graphics. A few years later, Editrice Zeus begins to release two international magazines: Food Processing, in English and German/French/Spanish, and Italian Food Machines, in Russian and Chinese. These are the first Italian magazines about the food&beverage industry to be published in all these languages and to be distributed in countries such as Russia and China. A massive presence in the main exhibitions and trade fairs worldwide and a great distribution of its magazines make Editrice Zeus one of the most valued technical publishers for the food&beverage industry. In 2001 Editrice Zeus issues www.itfoodonline.com, the first web portal focusing on technology, machinery, equipment and components for food, beverage and packaging industries; published in ten languages, it is visited from all over the world. Throughout the years Itfoodonline.com grew fast, increasing the quantity of information about machines and plants for the food and beverage industry and the amount of visitors; now it is one of the most visited web portals of the sector in the world, containing the presentation of thousands of companies and thousands of products. Nowadays, Editrice Zeus is one of the leaders in the food industry publishing, with Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Chinese magazines and a ten language web portal.
Rassegna Alimentare is the first technical magazine published by Editrice Zeus; bimonthly, it achieves in a short time a great relevance thanks to its revolutionary features and graphics.
A few years later, Editrice Zeus begins to release two international magazines: Food Processing, in English and German/French/Spanish, and Italian Food Machines, in Russian and Chinese. These are the first Italian magazines about food&beverage industry to be published in all these languages and to be distributed in countries such as Russia and China.
A massive presence in the main exhibitions and trade fairs worldwide and a great distribution of its magazines make Editrice Zeus one of the most valued technical publishers for food&beverage industry.
In 2001 Editrice Zeus issues www.itfoodonline.com, the first web portal focused on technology, machinery, equipment and components for food, beverage and packaging industries; published in ten languages, it is visited from all over the world.
During the years Itfoodonline.com grew fast, increasing the quantity of information about machines and plants for food and beverage industry and the amount of visitors; now it is one of the most visited web portal of the sector in the world, containing the presentation of thousands companies and thousands products.
Nowadays, Editrice Zeus is one of the leader in food industry publishing, with Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Chinese magazines and a ten languages web portal.

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