“Roi” è il soprannome storico di un ramo della famiglia Boeri, che si occupa di olio da quattro generazioni. Gli uliveti Roi sono tutti in valle Argentina, entroterra di Sanremo, Liguria, dove si coltivano solo olive di cultivar Taggiasca. Spremitura e lavorazione sono realizzate a freddo, per garantire le migliori proprietà organolettiche, nutritive e di conservazione.
“Roi” is the historical nickname of a branch of the Boeri family, involved in the production of olive oil for four generations. The Roi olive groves are all located in the Valley Argentina, in the mountains behind Sanremo, Liguria, where only olives of the Taggiasca variety are cultivated. The olives are cold pressed, a process that guarantees the best sensory, nutritional and preservation properties.
The family first became involved with olive oil production in the year 1900, when Giuseppe took out a two-year lease on one of the olive mills that, at the time, belonged to the council. This marked the beginning of a long journey, which has continued to the present day. The journey Giuseppe began was continued by Battista, Pippo “Roi” and then Franco, who, with his father, devotes all his time and passion to the family olive mill.
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